Practical Training for Real Situations
Center Target Sports strives to provide our students with the best and the latest training methods possible.

Basic Pistol One
An 8-hour introductory class for students with little to no handgun knowledge.
Skill Set: Beginner
Firearm Type: Handgun
Pre-Req: None

Basic Pistol Two
A four-hour course designed to improve the shooting skills of students who have completed the Basic Pistol One shooting course.
Skill Set: Beginner
Firearm Type: Handgun
Pre-Req: Basic Pistol One

Intro to Defensive Handgun
An 8-hour course that will help students develop the fundamental skills for Defensive Handgun One class.
Skill Set: Intermediate
Firearm Type: Handgun
Pre-Req: Basic Pistol Two

Defensive Handgun One
A six-hour course taking students to the next step in defensive shooting fundamentals and mindset.
Skill Set: Intermediate
Firearm Type: Handgun
Pre-Req: Intro to Defensive Handgun

Defensive Handgun Two
An 8-hour course. The primary goal of this course is to develop the defensive handgun and personal skills necessary to survive and control a lethal encounter.
Skill Set: Advanced
Firearm Type: Handgun
Pre-Req: Defensive Handgun One

Youth Firearms
A four-hour course for shooters 10-15 years old. Students will learn basic firearm safety and operations, range safety, ammunition overview, safe storage and transport of firearms, and shooting sports activities.
Skill Set: Beginner
Firearm Type: Handgun
Pre-Req: None

Idaho Enhanced Concealed Class
An eight-hour course is required for students to obtain the Idaho Enhanced Concealed Weapons License (ECWL).
Certificate Type: ID Enhanced Concealed Weapons License
Firearm Type: Handgun
Pre-Req: None

Idaho Hunters Safety
This is a 3-Day combination hunter (firearm) and bowhunter classroom course for students ages 9 and older.
Certificate Type: Idaho Hunter & Bowhunter Combination Certification Cards
Pre-Req: Students registered for this course will need to pick up a student manual to review and complete the worksheets in the back of the manual before the first class session.

NRA Range Safety Officer
This is a 6-8 hour long course. Develops NRA Certified Range Safety Officers with the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations.
Certificate Type: NRA Range Safety Officer Certificate
Pre-Req: None

Intro to Carbine
A 6 to 8-hour course designed to familiarize the student with the carbine weapons system and prepare the student for the Carbine One course.
Skill Set: Beginner
Firearm Type: Carbine
Pre-Req: None

Carbine One
A six-hour course covering safe gun handling, carbine manipulation, intro to shooting on the move, and more.
Skill Set: Intermediate
Firearm Type: Carbine
Pre-Req: Intro to Carbine

AR Armorer
A two-day course providing detailed knowledge of the AR-15/M-16 rifle platform.
Skill Set: Intermediate
Firearm Type: Carbine
Pre-Req: None

A four-hour class diving into the most popular non-lethal self-defense method.
Skill Set: Beginner
Firearm Type: None
Pre-Req: None

A three-hour non-firearm option self-defense class.
Skill Set: Beginner
Firearm Type: None
Pre-Req: None

A three-hour course designed to enable students to recognize indicators of criminal activity and threats to their homes.
Skill Set: Beginner
Firearm Type: None
Pre-Req: None

Home Defense Shotgun
A seven-hour course designed to teach the fundamentals of shotgun use for home defense.
Skill Set: Beginner
Firearm Type: Shotgun
Pre-Req: None

An event for the ladies! This seminar presents different holsters that are available on the market today.
Cost: Free

Holster companies are always putting out new ways to carry. This is a great seminar to discuss the different types available and what to use in different situations.
Cost: Free

Learn about the latest and greatest available on the tactical side of the industry. Whether you are new to the AR platform, or a veteran, we look forward to seeing you here!
Cost: Free

Want to know about optics? Our instructor goes into detail about what to expect and how to use an optic on your handgun. There is an opportunity to try out different setups. Spaces are limited.
Cost: $20

What is the difference between 9mm and 45caliber? What happens when you shoot through a wall? Why does grain count matter? All these questions and more will be answered at this seminar. There is an opportunity to shoot and spaces are limited.
Cost: $20
- You are not registered for a class until you have registered and paid via our website. You will get a confirmation email after you have successfully registered.
- *A 48-hour notice must be given to be eligible to move to another of the same class or to a future scheduled class of the same. No refunds on classes.
- The senior rate of 10% off on select classes is for 65 years of age and older. Members receive 10% off select classes. (No discounts on CCW Classes)
- If you have registered for a class and have NOT met the prerequisites, you will NOT be refunded for that class.
- Pregnancy note: Women who are pregnant or believe they may be pregnant should not participate in the shooting sports either indoors or outdoors due to issues with loud noises having a negative impact on unborn babies.
Interested in a class and don’t see a date upcoming, let us know!