GSSF: may 2024
Hello Shooters!!
You overwhelmed me today (in a good way). We had several new faces, which is wonderful. I believe that I’m speaking for all of us when I say we hope you felt welcome and come back! We had 39 individual shooters who shot 63 courses of fire!! That’s quite a turn out.
I’d like to express my thanks, and I’m betting yours, too, for the people that help make all this possible (Ken Cramer and Craig Gural come immediately to mind, but there are others) and to each of you for being gracious, helpful participants. You make this fun.
Now for a piece of administrative business. I have created an email address for you to contact me directly and it is just for GSSF and Center Target Sports communications. The address is: [email protected]. This way you don’t have to bother the store staff to get in touch with me.
– Gary