Bullseye:BULLSEYE NMC 75FT COURSE – 9/15/2022
Hello Shooters and Shooter-ettes!!
Thank you ALL for coming out and shooting! We continue to enjoy having fun with good friends every week at Bullseye. Always good competition, and good stories that are sure to follow! This past week, Pierce really cleaned up, coming up just short of a perfect 300 shoot. We are missing a lot of regular faces over the last several weeks. While it is true this is the last gasp of summer, if you know someone who hasn’t shown up for awhile, give them a ring and check in on them. Who knows, they just might be happy to hear from you!!
don’t forget . . . .
COMMUNITY APPRECIATION DAY, SEPTEMBER 24 FROM 9AM – 2PM HERE AT CENTER TARGET SPORTS! Dave C. will have a booth here as well, so stop on by and give him a hard time, er, I mean, show him some support. He makes some BEAUTIFUL fine knives.
Without further ado, here are your scores –