GSSF: 1st Quarter 2023
Hello Shooters!!
First of all, it seems that I neglected to hit the “Publish” button after I entered the March information. I’m hoping I was mistaken, but …
I had updated the 1st Quarter results earlier this week (Tuesday, to be exact), but couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong and couldn’t create a post. It would help if I was more clever than the computer, however, it is getting posted now! We had a tie situation in one category that I had to refer to the rules to make sure was broken appropriately, I
– Gary
1st Quarter Results
We are going to be trying something new this month. Here is the summary of the winners, including Chad Overman who won the pistol. We haven’t received the plaques, yet, but those bundles will be put together and made available when they are. I will post an entry when they are in. The details of the quarterly standings are posted below.